Thursday, May 10, 2012

Shopping List: The Experiment

Below you find a list of all the ingredients you will need for the week.  You will note that I haven't put quantities of each item on the list.  This is because each of you will have a different family structure and how many people you will be cooking for each day.  You may need to adapt each recipe (double or halve, for example) the recipes, which will alter the quantity needed.  I've tried to itemise each of the ingredients to help you search for the items in the supermarket.

The ingredients listed in orange, are additional ingredients needed to make the poultry seasoning from scratch if you choose.

The ingredients listed in blue, are additional ingredients needed to make the Thousand Island Dressing from scratch if you choose.

The ingredients listed in green, are additional ingredients need to make the Taco Sauce from scratch if you choose.

Baking Goods Dried Fruit/Nuts
uncooked oatmeal dates
salt figs (or dates)
bran nut meats
soda raisins
flour salted almond nut meats
cereal walnuts (or almonds)
baking powder chopped peanut meats
fresh yeast Dry Food
whole-wheat flour brown or long grain rice
cornstarch Doritos

Dried Herbs/Spices macaroni
pepper soft bread crumbs
dry mustard
paprika Vegetables
cayenne Avocado
bay leaf onion
curry powder garlic
dried marjoram bell pepper
dried savory celery
dried parsley lettuce
dried sage pimientos
dried thyme tomatoes
rosemary green pepper
onion powder mushrooms
chili powder carrot
cummin  cabbage
garlic powder cucumber

Liquids white onions
salad oil potato
vinegar watercress
Worcestershire sauce cauliflower
pineapple syrup horseradish
chili sauce Fruit
tomato sauce (juice) lemons

Dairy/Cold Fresh Herbs
milk parsley
butter chives
Cream Canned Goods
eggs tuna
cheddar cheese kidney beans
parmesan-style cheese cooked tomatoes
American cheese cooked/canned corn

canned pineapple slices
Meat capers
bacon chopped stuffed olives
minced chicken gherkins
minced beef
cooked chicken
whole fish
spring chicken
tiny pork sausages
lamb shanks


  1. you, my dear dear friend, are out of this world organised. Now can you please come and cook for me for the next 8 weeks? thanks!

  2. Thank you! I do try! :)

    I'd love to come and cook for you for the next 8 weeks, but I don't think that would quite work! I'd be happy to meal plan for you, if that would help?! LOL
